Friday, May 06, 2005


It's mother's day this sunday (though really shouldn't it be mother's day all the time?). Where was I? Oh, mother's day this Sunday... So, I borrow this idea to pay tribute to my mother from Afrofeminista.

My mummy
  1. still calls me her baby even though I am now married
  2. never treated my sisters and my brother any differently, we all cooked, did dishes etc.
  3. makes all her food from scratch and taught me to do the same.
  4. taught me to make great tasting fresh pineapple juice from pineapple peels - seriously, like i just said, see #4.
  5. has the most amazingly unshakeable faith and trust in God. Maybe one day when I grow up...
  6. is great at keeping secrets
  7. is a good judge of character - that guy i was so into when i was 18 really was a creep, no wonder she didn't like him!
  8. believes the best of most people - until and unless you give her a reason to do otherwise. Refer to # 8.
  9. is extremely forgiving, no matter how much she's been wronged.
  10. has a heart of pure gold-ok,it's not hard and shiny, but you know what I mean.
  11. always made me my favourite food when I was sick.
  12. still makes me my favourite things to eat whenever I go home to visit. Eh, can you tell I like food? :)
  13. always puts family first.
  14. has made more sacrifices for me than I can count.
  15. never expects anything in return for everything she does.
  16. is the most dependable person I know.
  17. is the most hardworking person I've ever met
  18. instilled values in me that have made me who I am today, and I wouldn't trade that for anything.
  19. is superwoman. Seriously. She juggled all her roles without ever dropping the ball. Plus, she's been married to my dad, with all his quirks for more than 40 years.....need i say more?
  20. has a great sense of humour, she's great at making me laugh.
  21. hasn't put any pressure on me or made any hints about having children in the 3 years I've been married. (which is a lot more than I can say for other people, who are not even family! sheesh!)
  22. keeps recipes in her head and measures with her eye - forget asking her to write down that recipe for this or the other, she has to show you how to do it.
  23. gave me her love for new clothes and shoes!
  24. is never embarassed to admit it when she doesn't know something.
  25. may not be perfect, but she really is the only one I've got!!
Like many women I know, I've had my domez with my mum especially when I was a teenager but as I've gotten older, I've come to appreciate her so much more. To my mum and all the other amazing mums out there....


Blogger AfroFeminista said...

As I read your tribute to your Mum, I started thinking also how the older I've grown the more like my Mum I've become... like her 1.I care less about sporting the latest fashions and instead mix n match my old and new clothes. 2. Like her I'm looking for a guy who's just like my Dad - open minded, pro-feminist - no more Mr. flash and dazzle for me! Like her, 3.I find my faith in God growing every day and acknowledging certain happenings to God...

Monday, May 09, 2005 2:36:00 am  
Blogger wg-k said...

Afrofeminista, it is funny how getting older changes a person's perspective on things. I too have realised just how similar I am to my mum. Writing this list did give me a new appreciation for her. So thanks for the idea. I've been feeling homesick so I just really didn't want to read this post for a little while. :)

Monday, May 16, 2005 11:16:00 am  
Blogger AfroFeminista said...

@wg-k - I understand. Sometimes it's the best way to fight homesickness or fighting the feeling of missing loved ones.

Wednesday, May 18, 2005 4:09:00 am  
Blogger moggaless said...

"has the most amazingly unshakeable faith and trust in God. Maybe one day when I grow up..."

Who can dispute that.......God bless our mums

Thursday, May 19, 2005 1:29:00 am  

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