Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Favourite words not in the dictionary

I found this list and I thought it was hilarious! I think it's a compilation from previous years. This year, the list is:
  1. ginormous (adj): bigger than gigantic and bigger than enormous
  2. confuzzled (adj): confused and puzzled at the same time
  3. woot (interj): an exclamation of joy or excitement
  4. chillax (v): chill out/relax, hang out with friends
  5. cognitive displaysia (n): the feeling you have before you even leave the house that you are going to forget something and not remember it until you're on the highway
  6. gription (n): the purchase gained by friction: "My car needs new tires because the old ones have lost their gription."
  7. phonecrastinate (v): to put off answering the phone until caller ID displays the incoming name and number
  8. slickery (adj): having a surface that is wet and icy
  9. snirt (n): snow that is dirty, often seen by the side of roads and parking lots that have been plowed
  10. lingweenie (n): a person incapable of producing neologisms

I'm trying to think of the ones I heard, used or made up with friends in Kenya;
  1. errambassed (adj): embarrassed
  2. disobellion (n): a shocking combination of disobedience and rebellion (you had to have been there!)
  3. (insert swahili word here)-ring (can be a v, n or adj): addition of -ring to swahili words to emphasise a point, for example, "stop wekelearing us"(stop putting the blame on us) or "he was somearing me for being late" (he told me off for being late).
  4. riswah (v): used to chastise or rebuke evil or naughty thoughts and actions. For example, Whenever Kamau flirts with me, I laugh and then say, "Riswah! Don't you know I'm a married woman?" Also used to make fun of people who claim to speak in tongues but actually utter jibberish
  5. sheathen (n): the feminine of heathen
  6. R.S.V.P (n): not French for "please respond", stands for "Rice and Stew Very Plenty" in reference to wedding receptions.
  7. clawer (adj): an individual who forces themselves into others lives and plans without invitation, also poxer or jipoxer
Ok, I will stop here, but please feel free to add more to the list. This gave me a good laugh and brought back some good memories. I actually enjoy doing lists, I think I shall do another soon.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

LMAO..I loved this post..I also like making words..no idea why.

One I use every so often is fantasmic (cross between fantastic and orgasmic)

No idea why though but chillax sounds like it should be the name of a laxative...:-)

Tuesday, May 17, 2005 12:34:00 pm  
Blogger Adrian said...

LOL @ R.S.V.P.

sometimes it's such little things which make me miss home BIG-TIME!

Tuesday, May 17, 2005 2:58:00 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

cognitive displaysia (n): the feeling you have before you even leave the house that you are going to forget something and not remember it until you're on the highway....lol So thats the word this happens to me frequently

Tuesday, May 17, 2005 3:09:00 pm  
Blogger Unknown said...

NKN (nacheka kwa nguvu..hows that for your list) @ RSVP ..kenyans all think alike it is for certain...

Wednesday, May 18, 2005 1:01:00 am  
Blogger Migz said...

frotho (n)
An alcoholic beverage, made from malted hops of choice. Comes disguised in brand names such as Tusker, Pilsner, White Cap [Mr. Roosay's fav], Senator etc.

clande (n)
An undercover mama/dude who you are having a 'thing' with or an affair of such a nature - undercover coz they are either too ugly, loud, embarrassing [but the sex is too ginorgasmic!] or you are just waiting for the 'right' moment to unleash them on your friends

Wednesday, May 18, 2005 8:16:00 pm  
Blogger wg-k said...

- BT...LMHO at chillax sounding like a laxative. :) "When you feel bloated, or if you're not regular...chillax."
- Adrian, I feel you.
- Msanii_xl, don't you just hate it when that happens?!
- Deno, mimi pia NKN, just got a forward today about how us kenyans love freebies.
- kymmbr, glad you enjoyed the word list.thanx for stopping by.
- migz, LMHO!! I had not heard of frotho and I can't believe I forgot clande! thanks for visiting.

Wednesday, May 18, 2005 9:28:00 pm  
Blogger moggaless said...

Lol...what a collection of words, I believe its a high time someone came up with a dictionary for such words!!!

Thursday, May 19, 2005 1:26:00 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The other day someone in our office sent us all an email with the word 'gongalos' - remember that one? Or was it too gongalos for some of you?

Thursday, May 19, 2005 5:09:00 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

LOL @ Migz. Ddi you just say ginorgasmic??!!!

Anyway, let me use Migz'z word to add to the list:

Frothoed (adj)
State of inebriation experienced after partaking too many frothos!

Monday, May 23, 2005 10:08:00 am  

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