Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Oh No! I've been tagged

I wondered when I would be a victim of tagging, well it has finally happened thanks to Lil' Nicky. He recently blogged about memories of primary school and this tag brings back such memories. Does anyone remember some things called "Slam Books" that we passed around for our classmates to sign with categories like favourite girl/girls, favourite guy/guys, favourite food, favourite movies, etc.? Any ex-Patch Primarians out there? :)

1. Total number of films I own on dvd/video:
About 30. Thanks to Netflix and Movies on Demand on cable, I just rarely buy movies anymore.

2. The last film I bought: Not sure, lemme name the last one that my hubby bought me (that has to count--two become one and all that)-- Out of Time.

3.The last film I watched: On TV, Breakin' All the Rules (that Morris Chestnut is fiiiiiiiiiine) and movie theatre, Robots (watched this at an IMAX theatre - NICE).

I have to claw and add my own sub-section here; movies I plan on watching soon--like in the next couple of weeks;
at the theatre--Monster-in-Law, Crash and Star Wars.
next four on our Netflix list-- The Final Cut, Shark Tale, Lost in Translation and Spanglish

4.Five films that I watch a lot or that mean a lot to me: aieee, only 5? ok, i'll try...
  • Lord of the Rings
  • Message in a bottle
  • Hotel Rwanda (can't watch this a lot but it means a lot to me, I got several people (in a class I was taking at the time it came out) to watch it. Some of them finally began to get on a small level why I got so pissed off during class discussions about the ignorant and/or arrogant and cavalier attitude(s) to war and disaster in Africa. The class was on families and disasters and the Prof. actually gave an optional assignment which many did, to write a reaction paper on the movie.
  • Four Weddings and a Funeral (my favourite part is the poem that's recited at the funeral, always brings tears to my eyes).
  • Real Women have Curves
Ok, I'll stop here but I could have gone on, and on, and on....(remember the energizer bunny)

5. Tag five people and have them put this in their journal: I really didn't enjoy being tagged but I know I have to keep it going.... so I will tag BT, Medusa, Ms. K, Thinker and Akiey. Chako! (Blame Nick for reminding me about chako and for you being tagged)


Blogger Spidey/Tato said...

u are such a sport pole for gettin tagged but u know it was wit mingi wendo!!!!

better believe i still have them slam books and even files where we'd sign stuff on!

Wednesday, May 25, 2005 12:56:00 pm  
Blogger akiey said...

Oh,oh,I see I got the tag this time:) I'll update my post on Tafsiri & have this tag go there.
Yeah, go watch 'Crash', it's a great movie, saw it last Thursday & am still thinking about it.
I have brief review done (I do those quiet often) but am wondering whether Deno will still do one on his blog like he had suggested??
Thanks for stopping by.

Wednesday, May 25, 2005 1:12:00 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks BT.

The poem you mention, by WH Auden is one of my favourites. It was one of our English Lit mock exams questions....I couldn't have chosen a better exam poem.

I shall get to work on mine.

Wednesday, May 25, 2005 1:17:00 pm  
Blogger wg-k said...

- nick, i believe it's wendo a.k.a kiwendoration. i too have a twisted way of showing affection :)
- akiey, yes i tagged you. as nick said to me, it was with mingi upendo.
- BT, you're spooky, you know that? :)lol, i thot the BT thing was just the birthday but now I'm seeing there may be more. :)

it's one of my fav poems too, after I first heard it, I made it my mission to find out who wrote it and I eventually did. recently shared it with a friend who suffered a loss, and he really appreciated it.

Wednesday, May 25, 2005 2:23:00 pm  
Blogger Medusa said...

Wewe Mrs.K,
This playing tapo gatsta stop..Si we're supposed to be all grown and posh, what's with behaving like the kawaida, we need to talk this weekend.

Wednesday, May 25, 2005 6:37:00 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know movies are a subsjective topic...but 'Spanglish' was crap personified

Thursday, May 26, 2005 10:11:00 am  
Blogger wg-k said...

~ wewe medusa, one's poshness doesn't prevent one from enjoying ordinary little pleasures like tapo :)
~ Msanii, of course movies are a subjective topic,for example, I detested castaway--tom hanks and thought it was just a big fed-ex ad. but some people think it was awesome, so no worries. I'll watch Spanglish and see what happens

Tuesday, May 31, 2005 10:40:00 am  

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