Did that make anyone uncomfortable? What entered your mind? I'm of the opinion that as a society, us Kenyans can be rather prudish. How many people including you, do you know who got "the talk" from their parents? I never did, despite the fact that my mum was a health professional who probably talked to dozens of strangers about sex, birth control etc. every single day.
The argument is made by many that sex is a private thing and so it should only be discussed in private. Fair enough. I'm not suggesting that dinner time conversation and chats on public transportation all turn into lively (or not) sex discussions. What I am doing though is questioning our urge to talk about sex in whispers or not at all, our urge to act as though we don't do it even though the evidence is all around us.
Remember when there was a big hue and cry when it was suggested that sex education be taught in schools? No, our children, our youth will become promiscuous. That's funny (in the way that banging your elbow and hitting your funny bone is funny) because "our children" are more promiscuous now and we still won't talk about sex.
If talking about sex, "good" sex (good defining not the sex itself but consensual sex) isn't something we do, then don't be amazed when little girls don't tell about "bad sex", don't tell about Uncle X or Mr. Y doing things to them. If we are unwilling to discuss consensual sex then I imagine that we are far less willing to discuss the perversion of sex - incest, child molestation, rape. Because if we talk about one openly then we will have no choice but to talk about the other one.
I'm not asking for gory details, I'm just advocating for the creation of a more open environment. An environment where people aren't so repressed. I mean it's pretty obvious we are having sex--our huge population is testament to that--so can we please stop ignoring the elephant in the middle of our living room?
Let's talk about s-e-x. When children ask questions, let them not be met with stony silence or responses like "ask your mother" or "look it up in the encyclopaedia" or "where did you learn that word?"
I'm doing a poll, how many Kenyan's parents talked with them openly and honestly about the birds and the bees? How old were you? How did you feel then? And now, are you glad that they did? And if they didn't, how do you feel about it now?