Random Ruminations
I've been away from my blog for far too long. Bad girl! But here I am. Too much has been going on but I have established one thing--I can't give up blogging and reading blogs esp. the Kenyan blogs. So here I am for my fix.
I've been working on a project that I needed to finish--my thesis. At my school, as long as you are done with course work and are writing your thesis you can take part in the graduation ceremony. I had been procrastinating completion of this monster but I realised the brown smelly stuff had hit the fan and I just had to be done. So since wg-k's last entry, the eyes have been glued to the screen and fingers to the keyboard
The reasons for procrastination are complex and varied but that anti-climactic feeling of being done could be one of them. Seriously. I mean for weeks, all I've done is eat, breathe, think, dream my thesis. Spitzack, Butler and many others are so ingrained in my mind, I think I will be reciting them from memory for the next few years. But now that my thesis is complete, there's nothing--I've been hurtling toward this big finish and ........ZIP! Nada! Nothing! Zilch! The thing that has defined me for the last few months is no longer there....sad. Now I have to find a new identity as I can no longer claim grad-student-in-throes-of-thesis-writing status.
Don't get me wrong, I'm glad I'm done and I know my hubby is glad to have his wife back--I think he was beginning to think of me more as his roommate, if you get my drift--I just never anticipated that the feeling of being done would be as blah as this. Welcome to the real world shugahh!
I have 10 more days of vacation left before I start teaching in the second summer session. I'm pretty sure that will inspire lots of blog entries. Students here constantly surprise me--and not with their amazing acumen--but that's a post for another day. At least it's a paycheque.
The very soul of the grad student lies in doing just that :-) I'm procrastinating on finishing my thesis as well, aided by the fact that my advisor is literally on the other side of the world right now, with chapters that he has yet to splash with red ink. What's a guy to do?
Hey nice to see you are back was beginning to think you lost your password. Now you know your hubby has missed out on your good cooking. Enjoy you vacation.
Congrats gal. I know that feeling of anticlimax.
Enjoy the vacation and 'your hubby'.
You wait till Monster-in-law gets wind of your neglecting her baby...I'll make space in my closet for you! ;)
WM, you are soooo right! We wouldn't be real grad students if we didn't procrastinate :) can you and your advisor discuss your thesis via e-mail? my advisor and i have done that with great success. thanks for stopping by.
kymmbr, my motto is why put off till tomorrow what i can put off till next week! :) anyway, despite the anticlimax,i'm glad to be done so i can do other stuff.
farmgal, hee hee, no fear i haven't lost my password. i just have the page permanently remember my password 'cause i would forget.
guess,glad to know i'm not alone in feeling anticlimax. i am enjoying the hubby and the vacation. btw, your unofficial tourist guide? high-larious!!
medusa, wewe!! ebu call me back. as for monster-in-law, unless you tell her, she won't know so dare you sell me out! :)
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